Legendary Posca Paint innovator Drew Brophy’s iconic 90s “quantum surf art” meets Matt’s updated RNF ‘96 performance fish shape. Inspired by a deep passion for physics, and beach lifestyle, Drew connects us all through his studies of the laws of nature, solar dynamics and ancient cultures. Take a journey through time to the mid nineties when Drew, Matt and the crew created magical mayhem. RNF. The surf industry was in a 20 year performance design rut when in '94 and '95 Matt Biolos experimented with multiple variations of fish for himself, Chris Ward and Cory Lopez that became the building blocks for a performance hybrid revolution. “I’d never before had so many surfers and shapers ask me what are you riding?” The RNF '96 sh designs that teenaged Chris and Cory took to the North Shore and made their indelible mark on the surfing universe were featured in the seminal '97 surf film 5’5” X 19 ¼. The key component of Matt's fish is that they are performance minded inspired by MR’s competitive minded twins of the '70s and '80s with relatively pulled in tails designed to rip, not just small surf but in all sizes and shape of waves. Most fish have been predominantly influenced by wide tailed '70s kneeboards that create speed but have always fallen far short of the peak performance of modern short boards. In the name of great surfing and surfboards Matt has applied the past 25 years of board building to create a better surfboard faithfully based on but not exacting to the 96 RNF versions.
“With diligent testing being done by Kolohe, Coco, Ian Crane, Crosby Cola and other “guests” including myself in the last few months of 2020, we are very confident that the RNF ’96 will perform at and above expectations, as an all-around, rip-able fun machine, for a wide level of surfers.” Matt Biolos
TEKNISK ROBUST - MILJØVENNLIG! Lib Tech dedikerer seg til brettkjøring og praktisk høyteknologisk bygging av brett. Selskapet har brukt et liv på å surfe, forme og arbeide med alternative, høytytende og miljøvennlige materialer og konstruksjoner. Den tradisjonelle konstruksjonen av surfebrett har alltid føltes for skjør, og byggeprosessen har vært giftig og skadelig for planeten og håndverkerne. Lib Tech visste at det måtte finnes en måte... EVOLUSJONEN AV ECOIMPACTO Mike Olson og Lib Techs håndverkerteam eksperimenterer kontinuerlig og jobber med å forbedre prosessen og materialene. Den nyeste versjonen av den opprinnelige ecoIMPACTO-konstruksjonen inkluderer en forbedret formel for skummet og justeringer i prosessen som reduserer vekten og forbedrer ytelsen, samtidig som den bevarer den robuste holdbarheten som gjør Lib Tech-brettene "Dang Difficult to Ding" og gir et avslappet forhold til reise og transport av brettene. Dette gjør Lib Tech-brettene til de beste reisebrettene i verden, og de beholder verdien over tid.