"Riders Choice har vært en av våre bestselgende modeller i mer enn 10 år. Har gjennom årenes løp fått sterkere og lettere trekjerne. I år kommer den med 3D plates som gir enda bedre kraftoverføring. Dette er brettet for deg som liker å herje i hele anlegget. Leken og pålitelig. Og når moder natur byr på løssnø, flyter den bedre enn de aller fleste twin-tip brett på markedet. En helt rå freestyle-allrounder." SIMEN STRANDÅS |
• A board for riders by riders
• Poppy powerful 3-D Asym Chip power platforms
• Intuitive Asym advantage maximizes performance
New 3-D Delightwood Asym Chip construction on proven Asym geometries distribute energy to your edges and elevate pop, power and performance. The Gnu squad had a heavy hand in this one combining; asymmetry, slightly wider widths that rail and float with C2 Hybrid contours that pop, slide, carve and lift. All laminated into an eco-minded construction with poppy carbon that is built to blast and last. It’s quite possibly the best snowboard we have ever made!
C2 HYBRID | PERFEKT BALANSE Skjærer gjennom skianlegget, leker i parken og mestrer puddersnøen. Lib-Tech samarbeidet med Travis Rice for å utvikle denne perfekt balanserte konturen. Mild rocker mellom føttene kombinert med kraftige cambers mot tuppen og tailen. Nok kraft, sprett og presisjon for å takle de største hoppene. Nok flyteevne og frihet til å mestre de bratteste linjene i Alaska eller i ditt lokale anlegg. • Full kontakt og kontroll under alle forhold • Rocker mellom bindingene gjør gode svinger enklere, kantgrep forbedres og flyteevnen økes • Kraftige cambers i nose og tail gir sprett, stabilitet og kontroll |
MAGNETRACTION | GJØR IS OM TIL PUDDER! De bølgete stålkanten gir MYE bedre kantgrep under vanskelige forhold. Vinkel mot snø blir optimalisert og kanten på brett sitter mye bedre enn med tradisjonelle stålkanter. Patentert og forsøkt kopiert av mange andre produsenter. Men ingen har klart å gjøre det like bra. |
MADE IN THE USA Our factory crew is a highly skilled, committed crew of artisanal American Kraftsmen who ride the boards they build. Mervin is built by creative doers and active participants from the original action Kraftsmen Mike Olson and Pete Saari to our CEO Anthony DeRocco and all the way to our newest crew carrying the Mervin Made torch on the shop floor. We love to ride, it's what we're about! ZERO HAZARDOUS WASTE If there is any one thing that we do that separates us from every other board factory in the world, it's the fact that we don't leave any hazardous waste behind in our manufacturing. Our proprietary printing process gives our artist's imaginings full realization with tip to tail vivid colors and detail. Yet it creates ZERO HAZARDOUS WASTE in the process, no one else can say that. ECO MATERIALS Only the best stuff goes in to our boards. The best to ride, the best for our Kraftsmen to work with and the best for the planet. Eco Materials like Non-petroleum based bio-plastics, soy based elastomer sidewalls, low VOC epoxy, additive free basalt fibers and FSC "pure" certified wood cores. ECO PROCESS Our Eco Processes started with Mike and Pete's aversion to the use of toxic solvents in automative lacquer clear coats and screen printing. Through trial and error and extensive research they were able to put in place a set of processes that made the making of boards safe for themselves and their friends. It turns out what's good for us is good for the planet, who woulda thunk it... ECO POWER In Washington State our electricity is 89.6% hydro electric which makes a lot of sense when your getting world record snowfalls at Mt. Baker. On top of that our factory heating system runs on a renewable based biodiesel. SAWDUST TO SOIL Having our own wood shop means we get to control every aspect of wood core production. Making sure we use only FSC certified fast growing renewable forest products, finger joining to maximize wood yield, repurposing any scrap wood either to be used in the factory or as kindling in the community and recycling our sawdust to be turned in to soil. That's right we're celebrating the dirt bag! Our sawdust goes to growing the fruits, vegetables and errr..weeds that many enjoy on the Olympic Peninsula and beyond. |