Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2 - Surfesjappa - Hele Norges Surfesjappe
Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2
NOK 11.299,00 Inkl. mva
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Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2

Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2

NOK 11.299,00 Inkl. mva
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Ny PNG 1300!

Elsket du den gamle så kan du fornye kjærligheten med denne her. 4 år etter den legendariske PNG 1300 forandret verden er V2 på plass. Et foil år er som kjent ca 4 menneskeår, så her er en polert 16år yngre partner klar for å blåse liv i pumpa di igjen.

Eller kjøp deg din første 1300 og kjenn på anerkjennelse og misunnelse fra alle som har den gamle :)

Levering fra 2.oktober.

2okt Snarøya, 0ms, sol, Png1300V2 på Psychoshort og Skinny 50. Oi! dette var supersmooth! Dette er en svær frontvinge, men så grei den er på det korteste fuselaget på markedet (52cm). Halvard brukte 3-4 padlestrøk med Black Project åra si. Null stress - pumpet hele bukta selv etter kraftanstrengelsene med å padle opp Fireball 1070 (870cm2). Selv jukking på brett uten åre gikk nesten opp på foil! Helge putret rund på foildrive med nesten ikkeno motorkraft og tenkte den er stor til foildrive men veldig mye mer allsidig enn den gamle 1300PNG fordi her sklir det lett og svinger godt. Det korte fuselaget har litt av skylda for allsidigheten men sånn er det da når utviklingen ikke stopper. Vi tror dette blir den typiske lær Downwinding foilen slik den gamle var, og at den blir en hit hos alle som søker supertidlig flight.

The original PNG 1300, introduced in 2020, was a groundbreaking foil, with its impressive 1300mm wingspan and a high aspect ratio of 9.94; a foil that is not only large in surface area but also remarkably efficient and fast; a foil way ahead of its time and extremely popular in the recent seasons.

The advent of the downwind foiling discipline saw the PNG 1300 become the go-to foil for beginners entering the challenging world of downwind. Its exceptionally low stall speed enables early take-off, while impressive glide, acceleration and controlled speed has allowed riders to connect bumps and maintain momentum in weak to moderate swell and wind conditions. Its intuitive pumping characteristics make it easy to recover from mistakes and navigate, even if you’re not yet skilled in the art of finding the perfect line to link the bumps.

When developing the AXIS PNG 1300v2, we were determined not to compromise on any of these outstanding features. We have succeeded in enhancing every detail and adding a few more you wouldn’t imagine possible on a wing of this size.

The completely reimagined new PNG 1300v2 now runs on our Black fuselageseries (we recommend our latest Black Advance+ range).

The AXIS PNG 1300v2 boasts low stall speeds, lower drag, better acceleration, better turning and a significantly higher top-end speed –  thanks to its finely tuned High Camber (High-lift) / Low-drag foil section.

The PNG 1300v2 has reduced surface area (1632 sq cm) compared to the previous PNG 1300 (1712 sq cm), but with the addition of its new foil section, it achieves the same capacity for early lift.

Vastly improved turning and a balanced lift distribution ensure a smooth, stable and comfortable ride, with predictable pitch control that makes navigating between bumps and pumping a breeze.

This stability is crucial for light wind or novice downwinders, offering a more agile manoeuvrable experience than the original PNG 1300. We’ve also extended its glide range, for unlocking new distances and manoeuvres when pumping flat water. You’ll be amazed at how much further you can glide between pumps without losing speed or height.

All these features make the AXIS PNG 1300v2 an amazing addition for dock starters, of all levels. The lower drag, improved glide and reduced stall speed are fantastic for those who are progressing and have found that the bigger slow wings are just not much fun anymore.

Use the PNG 1300v2 for SUP/Prone surfing when in smaller or lower energy surf. The amount of lift that the wing creates to get you moving and stay up on micro-waves is astounding.

And let’s not forget that the AXIS PNG 1300v2 transforms what’s possible for some of the lightest winds while winging. The new AXIS PNG 1300v2 will get you flying before others and start enjoying again ultra light wind winging.



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Axis Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2
Axis - Front Wing - PNG V2
NOK 11.299,00 NOK 9.039,20


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